Financial Freedom For Baby Boomers

Financial Freedom For Baby Boomers

The term ‘baby boomer’ applies to those born between 1946 and 1964 and financially speaking, you have a whole range of considerations as you head towards retirement. At W&L Financial we understand the different priorities that come into play as you grow older, and we are here to make that transition as smooth as possible and ensure you enjoy the retirement of your dreams.

As retirement age comes closer there are all kinds of questions that start to arise, from how much money you will need to maintain your current lifestyle, to how you will manage any unforeseen expenses. The right planning and financial management can ensure these issues are put at ease so you can enjoy the golden years you deserve while your family is taken care of. We can also connect you to a network of specialists for a range of different services.

Services for baby boomers include:

  • Pre-retirement Analysis and Modelling
  • Debt Management
  • Estate Planning
  • Budgeting Advice
  • Transition-to-Retirement Strategy
  • Centrelink Benefits and entitlements such as aged care

If you’re a baby boomer who’s looking forward to financial freedom, take our five-minute financial health check to see how we can help.